Laura Claycomb’s Young Artists Corner

Young Artists’ Corner

I have moved my Young Artists’ Corner here, so all the information is in one place and I can slowly EDIT the whole thing so it is more up to date.  This is my popular advice for young singers.  

The very first masterclass I gave, I jotted down a few ideas of things I wish I had known when I was just out of college; that advice has ballooned into this Young Artists Corner throughout my career. A book is forthcoming from this information, but in the meanwhile, there is plenty to read here!  

I’m a lyric coloratura soprano who has made a lovely over-30-year career and am now concentrating more on teaching, as I love it, and want to be home more.  I had kids very late and want to enjoy them.  So, teaching gives me the flexibility to be able to do what I love, make a difference in this world (hopefully) and be home more than I have in my entire singing career.  I am happy to share my hard-won advice gathered over the past 35 years with the next generations of singers, and I hope you will take it to heart in the spirit in which it was given.  Happy singing!